About Me
Nuke (aka Andrew) Stollak is easily distracted.
Resume (PDF) (Word) I'm almost more employed that I can handle right now.
Mayan Calendar Converter
I started writing this after reading extremist and apocalyptic predictions that accompanied the theatrical release of the movie 2012 (official site | Wikipedia | IMDb). Later I found out that someone already created a Mayan calendar conversion tool, along with seemingly every other calendar system ever known to man, but mine has pretty pictures.
Photography My pics
Photography Notes What I've learned
DecisionPro, Inc's Marketing Engineering I've been working on Marketing Engineering since 1994 when it was a piece of educational software which freely accompanied a text book. It has since grown, please read the website for more information.
The Phyrst's Open Mic The Phyrst has live music every night. The question is never "is there someone playing?" but "who is playing?" On Monday nights, the Phyrst hosts an open mic which I am no longer involved in since a few months after I left State College, but still recommend.
isThink, Inc.Advanced Video Watermarking